Welcome to my virtual garden

The Seedbed

  • When I was working on a farm in Canada, I quickly realized: The future of agriculture not only needs to become sustainable, but regenerative. This is where food forests and other forms…


  • The TRAFOS are not only a space for inspiration, experimentation and co-creation. They are also a diverse community of very driven people, who want to innovate and take part in shaping our…


  • As part of my studies, I’ve built 3 hydroponic vertical farms. The whole process was a real journey: full of expected hurdles, happy victories, and new unforeseen challenges. But most importantly, I…


  • Search has becoming worse and worse. So much worse actually, that google gave up, and sends users to reddit instead. I think this marks an interesting twist – instead of refining their…


The Nursery

  • Web Rings – a solution for bad search?

    Web Rings – a solution for bad search?

    Search has becoming worse and worse. So much worse actually, that google gave up, and sends users to reddit instead. I think this marks an interesting twist – instead of refining their…


  • The eye for the next generation

    The eye for the next generation

    This faux eye was developed by a group of biohackers from south africa in 2033. It allows the wearer to see beyond the human spectrum. Much akin to Geordis Visor from Star…


  • The T-Shirt from the Future

    The T-Shirt from the Future

    This is a T-Shirt from the year 2123. While it’s cut is more or less a pretty standard T-Shirt design, you will never find another one like this one. It is uniquely…


The Showroom



    When I was working on a farm in Canada, I quickly realized: The future of agriculture not only needs to become sustainable, but regenerative. This is where food forests and other forms of agroforestry catched my interest. Lucky me, there were plans to create a food forest on campus!




    The TRAFOS are not only a space for inspiration, experimentation and co-creation. They are also a diverse community of very driven people, who want to innovate and take part in shaping our future.




    As part of my studies, I’ve built 3 hydroponic vertical farms. The whole process was a real journey: full of expected hurdles, happy victories, and new unforeseen challenges. But most importantly, I learned some very important lessons.


Other Gardeners Of Good Ideas