polyphasic sleep

i read about polyphasic sleep for the first time in my teens. while most humans allegedly sleep for just one block of time, polyphasic sleepers divide their sleeping hours up – which allows for having less sleep overall. there are several style of polyphasic sleep – the most well known is the powenap or the siesta. but the most extreme is the appropriately named „uberman„, which consists of just a few small naps over 24 hours. at the time, i quickly disregarded it as an unhealthy fad for people who want to optimize to unhealthy levels. but recently, i was reminded of it again, when i talked with some family members about their sleeping habits. my mother is a classic monophasic sleeper – once she is in bed, she will sleep for the whole night. my father on the other hand is a polyphasic sleeper, just sleeping for some hours after work, and taking several small naps when needed. since i have a hard time with keeping a monophasic sleep schedule, i will test a polyphasic schedule called the E2.


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