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Thing from the Future

  • The eye for the next generation

    The eye for the next generation

    This faux eye was developed by a group of biohackers from south africa in 2033. It allows the wearer to see beyond the human spectrum. Much akin to Geordis Visor from Star Trek, it allows the user to switch between several sensors built into the eye: LiDar, EM, temperature, as well as different „normal“ sight…

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  • The T-Shirt from the Future

    The T-Shirt from the Future

    This is a T-Shirt from the year 2123. While it’s cut is more or less a pretty standard T-Shirt design, you will never find another one like this one. It is uniquely made to fit one person perfectly, and it is made from a blend of textile scraps the owner gave to the semi-autonomic „Re-Taylor“.…

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